Saturday, August 2, 2008

Breaking Dawn Party at BYU

Bella: "Should I be afraid?"

Edward: "Terrified."

I could not be more excited about Stephenie Meyer's newest book, Breaking Dawn. It came out last night at midnight!
My friends and I made fantastic shirts and went to the Breaking Dawn party at BYU. Although we spent most of our time in the Blood Drive line, it was fun to get the book at midnight and start reading. Yes, I am insane and read until 3am!
Tay and Shay
Tayten and I
Not only the Cullen's need blood... Unfortunately the line was freaking huge! Not wanting to miss our chance at getting our hands on the book we ditched out before we could actually give our blood.
Thought that counts, right?!
Live Entertainment.
Oh Yeah Baby!!!
Two very excited girls!!
Yes, Tayten kissed her book when she finally got it!
What a riot!

1 comment:

Amberlyn said...

So are you done? What did ya think? Was it worth staying up late?

I have the book waiting for me downstairs.

I'm glad I have friends that are huge fans though. That way I get invited to cool Movie and dinner parties!!! Can't wait for that!!!