Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stockton's Thomas Party

Talon and Ally stole the show when they showed up in Jack and Sally costumes!! They were adorable. These two really get into themed parties!
We really had a great time. The pictures just don't do it justice. From the decorations to the food everything was themed. We even had a calderon of punch, that smoked!!
My mother had a game planned for the kids...a cake walk. All the adults joined in and had more fun than the kids!! We won hostess cakes and had a blast!

Poor Stockton we playin too rough with his cousins and got a black eye. He was a trooper though and was back to playin in no time!!
Little cutie clappin after blowing out his candles.

1 comment:

Ryan and Tayten said...

the parties looked like they turned out awesome!! im sorry i couldnt stop by and sorry i didnt help decorate... even though it looks AMAZING and you guys did so good with out me!!