Monday, June 1, 2009


Molly said...

So cute!

Jessica said...

Yay! I love sono photos! Congrats!

Ryan and Tayten said...

girl! girl! girl!
hahahaha jk i know you guys want a boy :]

i am so excited!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! So, I tried to call you last night, but couldn't find your phone number. Do you remember that perfect diaper sized basket you gave me as part of a gift when I had Jax? Well, I have LOVED it. It is like the absolute perfect size to hold diapers. I want another one for my next baby, but can't find that size. Do you remember where you got it? If you do, let me know. Thanks!

rebecca said...

Yay!!! Congratualtions! I can't wait for you! I know you are such a good mommy!!!!

Brittany said...

Congratulations!! I had no idea. I am super jealous as we have been trying forever!!! I miss you!! Hope all is well! I am just melting in the south.....what a crazy world!