The eating of the cake was hilarious!! Stockton never had so much fun. He had cake crusted in places that he would be too shy for me to mention. He had to take a ‘birthday bath’ after this.
Yes, Stockton had two Mickey Mouse birthday parties! He is already very spoiled, but very deserving! ;-) It was so funny to see my grandparents in Mickey Mouse hats! Priceless!
Our friends, Clark and Lori Esteban, have a cake decorating business. Lori created this amazing replica of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse out of cake for Stockton’s birthday! It looked so good it was hard to cut and eat it…but this is Emily you are talking to! When the time came, I dove in! Gotta love the sweets!!
We have such fabulous friends! They came over with gifts for Stockton for his first birthday! I'd like let them know how much we appreciate them and how happy we are that they are in our lives. The Don's (Don and LaDawn Kimble) gave Stocky that Winnie the Pooh truck, which he still loves! Shar and Robert Loveless gave him the tonka trucks, he actually baths with those! And he got a Nascar car from Ryan and Tayten. We love you guys and are grateful for your friendship!!
We went to Las Vegas right before Stocky's first birthday. He had fun and saw lots of lights! But the trip ended badly with Stockton getting Rotavirus. He threw up all night and the entire ride home. Once we got home he vomited and aspirated on it. Then he had his first (and I pray only) trip to the hospital in an ambulance. It was a very scary situation and hard to see my baby so sick.
Penny and Rick invited us to go to the America concert with them! It was so much fun! It was catered by Outback, so we had delicious food. This was, however, the last day I could hear. Paul and I stopped to get something to eat on the way home from the concert. While eating, my hearing in my right ear went deaf. Thinking it was just an infection, I went to the doctor the next day and found out that I had lost my hearing for good. Not very good news.
I've already told you how much Stocky loves water! He went swimming for the first time last summer, in my parents' pool. He had so much fun! I cannot wait to take him this year. We need to sign up for mommy and me swimming classes!!
Since everyone is blogging these days, I figured that my cute family and I should get in on the game! I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll get the hang of it.